Practical Embodiment
An online journey toward your long-lasting wellness—encompassing your mind, body, and spirit.
“When the seasons change, we experience a sympathetic internal shift. All life-forms open themselves up to receive cosmic redirection from nature during these crucial seasonal transitions, so we are likely to be more vulnerable and unsettled.” - Maya Tiwari
Practical Embodiment is a year-long online experience created by Radhika Mukhija, combining the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, modern psychology, and biohacking to guide you through all four seasons.
This course is curated with seasonal practices, tools and strategies for busy women who want to realign, regenerate, and regulate their wellness and life in a supportive and nourishing way.
Why seasonal living? Ayurveda is a 5000-year-old ancient science of healing from India. This course is based on the Ayurvedic foundational principle that we exist on a continuum with nature. Our well-being thrives when we honor this connection through the foods we eat and our lifestyle rituals—syncing these choices with the cycles of nature.
This course connects you with each season. We will welcome each phase of the year together through a grounded gathering and tools unique to the season, with respect for:
The cadence of nature.
The rhythms of your sleep and your hormones.
The seasons of your life.
This course will bring you back in alignment when the daily stressors of work and every day living along with over-stimulated environments causes you to go off track.
Course Curriculum
Key Takeaways & Journal
Practices & Tools
Video: Introduction
Disclaimer & Copyright
Video: Diet, Nutrition & Digestion
Drinks & Teas
Spring: Body and Movement
Video: Sleep Rituals
Video: Hormone Support
Video: Pranayama
Seasonal Living Course
How to care for your physical emotional, mental sand spiritual body and energy
Self inquiry and reflection through journal writing prompts
How to prepare nourishing meals
Meditation and breathwork practices
Ayurveda-inspired seasonal self care tools
Each season begins with a live Q&A group call with Radhika to get your season started on the right foot
One discounted 1-1 session with Radhika
Join-with-a-friend discount
Lifetime access of the program
Live call replays
Bonus meditations
Discounts on other offerings
Interactive workbook to guide you through each season of the course
Radhika's integrative approach covers four areas:
Bachelor's in Psychology; MBA; Certified Health Coach; Certified Human Potential Coach; Trained Yoga Teacher; Studied at the Human Potential Institute; Published thought leader and wellness workshop facilitator presenter. Meditation teacher on insight timer.
Each season, Radhika will invite you to a live call (on Zoom) to answer your questions and give you an opportunity to share your experience. The dates will be released two weeks in advance.
You will have lifetime access to the course materials.
You will receive a link to Radhika’s calendar to schedule your session.
This is a self paced course. It offers you tools and guidance to deepen connection with yourself - so you can prioritize as much time as you desire and come back and listen to the lessons to incorporate the learnings and tools in your daily life.
Refunds are not available for the current season, but if inquiring about future seasons in your plan, contact: [email protected]
No problem! We will walk you through the online course platform and answer any questions you may have.